Have you ever "lost"
your dining room table?

Has your kitchen exploded?
Do you have a never-ending to-do list?
Not enough time?

This is how most women with messy homes feel about their lives.

Is this you?

You’re going a mile a minute trying to hang on for dear life.
You’re keeping up with commitments, work, family, friends, hobbies.

You keep telling yourself, “I’ll declutter the kitchen when I’ve got more time.”
You say things like, “I’ll unpack these boxes when life slows down.”

Or even worse, you KNOW you’ll never got to it because you know that life is never going to slow down and so you just throw up your hands and call yourself a failure.

You, my tired friend, are not a failure. You just need a different perspective. 

The truth is, you probably don’t have an entire weekend to clean up the garage. You probably don’t even have a spare hour. And if you did, do you really want to spend that precious hour up to your eyeballs in boxes and sorting through goodness knows what?

I have good news.

You don’t need an entire week, a weekend, or even an hour to actually clean up your home.

You don’t have to go “all in” and do the whole thing from start to finish.

This is a recipe for overwhelm and burnout.

Go that route and you’ll find yourself looking at a bigger mess than before.

Nope - instead I have a different way.

What if you could clean up ANY space in your home…

… your kitchen, your closets, even the craft room…

… in just 10 minutes at a time

It’s absolutely possible and I can prove it to you.

In my community, we call this a 10 Minute Miracle

We use this audacious name because it IS a miracle what you can get done when you do things the 10 Minute Miracle way and with the mindset I want to teach you.

Anyone can find 10 minutes (yes, even YOU!)

And the best part is that these 10 Minute Miracles stack up.

Once you know how to do it the way I can teach you, you can do 1 every day if you want.

Do 1 a day for a month and you’ve worked on your home for 5 hours!

Just think what that messy room would look like after you’ve spent 5 hours on it.

It would be night and day, right?

All you need is the right system and a little momentum.

I can give you both in less than an hour.

Introducing the 10 Minute Miracle Collection

Sometimes women get mad when I tell them they only need to find 10 minutes. 

They say, “But you don’t understand - my house is REALLY bad.

They think they have to do more and that’s it’s a terrible awful mess. 

They feel immense shame. 

And this leads them to doing nothing (or maybe some panic cleaning and stuffing things into closets which only hides the mess and makes them feel worse). 

So I decided maybe I could prove it to you. 

What if I could SHOW you what this looks like on video from start to finish? 

Then it might be easy to see how to do it yourself, don’t you think? 

And if you could see regular women with cluttered spaces, just like yourself, maybe you’d get inspired to try it yourself. 

Because it’s wonderful to learn the details but there’s nothing like a good old video demonstration. 

And I’ve got 10 of them for you. 

10 different spaces, tackled 10 minutes at a time on video you can watch as many times as you’d like. 

Different women from our team demonstrating for you how they declutter and organize the worst spaces in their own homes. 

Regular women just like you with their own clutter struggles cleaning up, 1 space at a time. 

You’ll see that 10 minutes really DOES make a difference, especially when you stack 10 minute sessions up day after day.

You'll hear these women talk through their decision-making process.

How do they decide what to keep and what to let go of? What do they do with the things they declutter? 

How do they organize what’s left? 

You’ll see it all in these short videos. 

We’ve got hundreds of these in our Organize My Home membership community. 

And I’ve selected my favorites to share with you. 

We’ve never made these available outside the membership before. 

Until now. 

There’s nothing else like a good how-to video to show you how it’s done. 

It’s like having your best friend alongside you, walking you through the process and giving you a thumbs up every time you do a space.

No more marathon panic cleaning sessions that leave you exhausted and defeated. 

Just quick 10 minute sprints that leave you feeling energized and accomplished.

In this collection, you'll get:

  • (10) 10 Minute Miracle Video demonstrations
  • Your own 10 Minute Miracle Tracker
  • Suggestions for how to find 10 minutes for when you truly don’t think you have a moment to spare
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Dozens of ideas for your own 10 Minute Miracles
  • All videos are closed captioned

You don’t need to sacrifice a week or a month of your precious time. 

And you’ll feel SO good once you start doing your own 10 Minute Miracles!

10 minutes really does add up.

Just $39

Lifetime Access

30 Day Money-back Guarantee

Life gets EASIER when you have less stuff. 

Let me help you make your home look great again by decluttering the 10 Minute Miracle Way. 

And when you DO clean up your spaces by decluttering and organizing, you’ll feel ready to enjoy your home again. You’ll know you can tackle ANY mess, no big deal. 

This is what you have to look forward to when you start decluttering the 10 Minute Miracle way.

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't like this program, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. 

If you have any issues or questions, just get in touch with our Customer Success team (sarah@thedeclutteringclub.com) and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

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