How to recover from a setback that feels like a failure

September 29, 2022

Ever had a decluttering fail?

Maybe you were sure you'd get your closet decluttered this time. You carved out a weekend. You were ready to do the work.

And then you got overwhelmed or something came up or you hit the messy middle...

... and your best intentions were squashed.

It feels like failure.

Failure happens, and you can recover from this setback.

In fact, I believe you should seek out failure (what??) Yep. I want you to look for chances to put yourself in situations where you might failure.

If you know how to recover from failure the way I'll show you in this video, you won't have to be afraid of it any more.

Watch the Video Now:

In the video, we discuss the 4 steps to this process:

  1. Realize it's going to happen. It's not a question of "if," it's a question of "when."
  2. Normalize and neutralize. What are the facts? Separate them out from the story you have about the failure.
  3. Remember that your failure doesn't mean anything about YOU. It's separate from you.
  4. Know that successful people aren't without failure; they are successful BECAUSE they're willing to fail, not in spite of it.

How do YOU recover from big decluttering setbacks? Let us know in the comments.

About the author 

Sarah Mueller

  • I was a 98% er in school.
    Learning came easy.
    My sister worked hard and got 60%.
    Our Mum said to me, ‘We are proud of you and what you accomplish But! Sister really deserved more credit because she worked hard and ‘earned’ every one of those 60 points! 😊
    That has always stuck with me….in a good way… because it is true!!
    It’s done her well in adult life…because she never ‘gives up’! She just keeps plugging away!!
    She’s done well in life….and lots of what she has accomplished is because she ‘keeps on keepin’ on’!!!

  • Really good topic, and right on time for me . . . . I felt like you were sitting in a white bathtub with baby blue tile wall behind you. Which is beside the point, but – hard to get past that impression.

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    Let me show you how to overcome decluttering overwhelm.

    This short, free email series will show you how to make the most of your time instead of waiting for an entire weekend to be open for a big purge (yuck).

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    Sign up for these FREE 10 minute challenges TODAY and I’ll show you the way.
