Do you hang on to too much 'stuff' because you're afraid to let go of precious memories?

If you’ve ever stopped even trying to organize – and instead settled for shoving clutter under the bed or in closets…
If you’ve spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on organizers, closet systems, and STILL can’t get the house under control…
If you ever feel like your house is too small and there’s just not enough room to put everything away…
I hear you, friend! And the good news is you're not alone.
It might surprise to you know that a cluttered home causes on average:

And this isn't even counting the EMOTIONAL cost of clutter...
Let me help you put an end to the madness!
No one tries to fill up their house with "stuff"...
… but it just happens over the course of many years if you’re not paying attention.
Maybe you’ve inherited your parents belongings (or their frugal habits!)
Or maybe you can’t pass up a good deal.
Or maybe you used to be organized but illness or a family crisis threw your home into chaos.

What if things were different?

Imagine for a minute that you walk in the door after a busy day.
You breathe a deep sigh of relief because it’s so good to be at home where you can relax.
The kitchen counter is clear because you did a 5 minute Kitchen Zero before you left that morning. Easy peasy.
The mail used to give you so much anxiety that you’d let it pile up for weeks before you could work up the energy to look at it.
But since you’ve gotten your home under control, the mail doesn’t stress you out any more.
You sort through the small stack of mail and file the bills immediately.
You don’t worry about them because you know you’ll pay them on your upcoming office day. Starting that has been a godsend!
You’re so glad (and quite proud as well) that you can now look around and realize you love every single item.
You don’t feel weighed down by your stuff. Your friends comment on how organized you are.
It feels amazing to be able to have visitors over without panicking over the state of your kitchen or bathroom.
Your home that once felt cramped now feels spacious and open.
It’s truly a pleasure to come home and enjoy that peace that you’ve created.
“I ordered this a couple months ago.
I have tried to declutter for years without success.
You have helped me to not feel guilty about the things that need to go.
It’s unbelievable the amount of stuff that was hiding in my home. I have taken a huge amounts of stuff to the resale shop, goodwill and the curb.
I can and will get through it one step at a time thanks to you!”
– Carol Larimore Boeker
Hi! I’m Sarah.
I want to show you how to have a peaceful and organized home.

I’m a Wharton business school grad – and single mom to 4 boys – turned decluttering expert.
My home used to be packed with stuff until I realized what it was doing to me and my family emotionally and financially.
Through a lot of trial and error, I learned how to declutter.
Since I started on this journey almost a decade ago, I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of people to declutter and organize their homes so they can live the lives they are dreaming about.
I’d love to help you do the same.
My public Facebook page reaches over a million people every month.
We have 149,000 followers and counting.

And with my help, the world is getting decluttered, one problem area at a time...

Motivation is through the roof! We are changing lives with this work.
And if you'd like to be among them, this is for you...
Announcing the Step-by-Step Decluttering Workshop

Do you want to say yes to a home that feels great?

The Step-by-Step Decluttering Workshop is the answer you’ve been looking for.
This workshop is for people who:
Here's what you'll learn:
You'll get our 30 Days of Decluttering Challenges!
Spend just 10-20 minutes a day on the quick assignment you’ll get via email and by the end of the month, you’ll have made major progress! No more getting side-tracked or losing motivation!

The Kitchen Counter Rescue Bonus Training
32 minute work-along video + printable notes
$29 value

After working with thousands of people on how to stay organized even in a busy household, I’ve discovered that the kitchen is THE best place to start if you want to enjoy your home again.
That’s why I put together this Kitchen Counter Rescue program so that you can regain your counters and take the first steps toward a home that makes you proud.
Work along with the video where I’ll tell you exactly what to do to “find” your countertops again and actually FINISH this job instead of leaving it half done, especially if you tend toward distractibility.
Don’t underestimate the power of a training that you can walk through step-by-step.
This type of training motivates people where other plans usually fail because you’ll feel like I’m right there in your kitchen with you.
Here's what you get Inside the Step-by-Step Decluttering ebook
5 chapters of easy instructions that walk you through the decluttering process without overwhelm or burnout.

Before and After Photos from our Customers

Order the Step-by-Step Decluttering Workshop today

Step-by-Step Decluttering Workshop
3 Part Video Training ($119 value)
60 Page PDF ebook ($19 value)
7 Worksheets
30 Days of Decluttering Challenges emailed to you ($29 value)
Lifetime access
Bonus #1: 10-Minute Decluttering Plan Coaching Call Replay ($49 value)
Bonus #2: Kitchen Counter Rescue ($29 value)
Bonus #3: Audiobook ($9 value)
Bonus #4: Lessons Learned from Emptying an Overflowing Estate Interview ($29 value)
Bonus #5: Four Clutter Tests Mini-Training ($9 value)
Bonus #1: "10-Minute Decluttering Plan" Coaching Call Replay
If you think you don’t have time to declutter, this bonus call is for you. Learn the 10 minute method so that you can always be moving forward and making your house into a place that feels good.
This coaching call is a $49 value.
Bonus #2: Kitchen Counter Rescue
Work along with the video in real-time where I’ll tell you exactly what to do to “find” your countertops again and actually FINISH this job instead of leaving it half done, especially if you tend toward distractability.
This training is a $29 value.
Bonus #3: Audiobook Companion
You also get the bonus audiobook for on-the-go learning.
Listen to Step-by-Step Decluttering when you’re on-the-go or cooking dinner. At 90 minutes in length, it’s just long enough to give you all the tools and inspiration you need without taking forever to listen to.
The audiobook is a $9 value.
Bonus #4: Lessons Learned from Emptying an Overflowing Estate Interview

Our community member, Jennifer MacDuff, spent 5 months cleaning out a near-hoarder level home after her father-in-law passed away unexpectedly.
In this 65 minute interview, she shares:
This interview is a $29 value, included with the Step-by-Step Decluttering Workshop for free.
Bonus #5: The 4 Clutter Tests Mini-Training

How to take the stress out of decluttering decisions
Are you worried about getting rid of something and realizing you made a terrible mistake?
Do you freeze up when you’re trying to decide if you should let something go?
This short training will show you how to decide quickly and confidently.
This training includes:
No more decluttering regret or procrastination because you’re afraid of making a terrible mistake that you can’t undo.
You get the 4 Clutter Tests video + cheat sheet (a $9 value) as a bonus when you order Step-by-Step Decluttering.

What Readers Are Saying

I try to declutter regularly and surround myself with only the things I use, love, and need. However, it seems like “stuff” comes in about as fast as it goes out, and I end up decluttering some of the same spaces yet again.
I love that Step by Step Decluttering tackles the tough questions. Yes, please, I totally need that!
Laura Smith
I Heart Planners

I am an organized person. I have systems that I think work well to keep clutter out of our lives, but in reading Sarah’s book I loved the steps she took you through to REALLY work through it. Her systematic approach made everything so easy.
Plus, Sarah has four kids. She totally gets how small hands can wreck your plans for clutter domination! If you’re overwhelmed by what is in your home — her steps will make it SO much easier on you. I totally recommend it!
Hillary Erickson
Pulling Curls

Thank you so much for this book! I feel like I can finally go through my kids keepsake totes. I think there are like 8 totes of “keepsakes” that I’ve just not let go of and your book makes me feel better about setting stuff free!
I’ve wanted to cut in half at least the number of these totes but just have been in the “messy middle” with them.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Cindy McGee
Downhill Run
If you need some great steps to follow, this is it! Even if you are a born “keeper” through and through, you can find the motivation, encouragement, and support to help you to take steps towards being more organized.
Often getting the right tools in your hands can make ALL the difference!
Morgan Tyree – Morganize with Me
Let me tell you decluttering has been the best thing I have ever done. I work full time and we bought a new home five years ago. When we moved in I was working 10-12 hours a day, most weeks 6 days a week. My son-in-law became disabled and my daughter started working two jobs. Needless to say our house was a complete mess. I believe we had just gotten so overwhelmed that no one knew where to start.
I cleaned the dining room which took me all day to do but it’s done. The table is clean, we have been eating at the table and on Saturday night, we have been having game night and playing games and clean the room afterward. Life is so much easier with our house clean and decluttered. I don’t think this would have ever happened without you and your help. You never made me feel bad about the house being such a mess but you gave me hope that we could get it done.
Thank you for all your help and encouragement.
Great suggestions and motivation to do what would make a serene environment.
Beth Chapman Oliver
I absolutely love your book & have told several friends about it (& sent them your website).
It has been very helpful to me in that I can understand more about the cost of my clutter & now I have manageable tips to tame it. I finally did the easiest thing & cleaned out my kitchen drawers- I was able to throw things away that we have no reason to be holding onto, gave my kids random measuring spoons for their toy kitchen (because 3 full sets plus random ones was just way too much) & am gifting several items to a friend.
I was also able to clean out my plastic containers but that is still a work in progress but I have thrown a good bit away.
Thanks for such a great resource!
Shannon – mom to 3
Step-by-Step Decluttering has given me the boost I needed. The best thing I have done is setting a timer and working 15, 25, and then 30 minutes at a time and then stopping. Decluttering is overwhelming and many times we feel we must tackle it all at once.
I can’t thank you enough for Step-by-Step Decluttering and all the valuable tips and lessons offered. I didn’t take pictures but I will for the next room and send to you!
Thank you so much! I am so thankful I found you!
Love the simple, no pressure approach to decluttering! Been decluttering little by little over the course of a year and am so much happier. I can do it how and when I want without worrying about being perfect. It’s also saved me money because I no longer lose things in the clutter that I end up re-buying. Thank you!!
Stephanie Fox
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a physical book that will be shipped to my house?
No. This is a digital product. A physical book will not be shipped. You will receive an email with links to the complete workshop. You have lifetime access.
Is this a book on organizing?
Organizing and decluttering are certainly related. However, it’s much easier to organize when you’ve decluttered first. There is one section that talks about organizing, but the rest of the book deals with the decluttering process.
I am disabled and have very little energy or motivation. Would your program be too much for me?
We have many, many customers with health challenges who love our baby steps approach to decluttering. I think you’ll especially like the new decluttering challenges that take just a few minutes day and let you experience success early and often.
Of course, if you find it doesn’t work for you, you can email us within 30 days for a full refund no questions asked.
How is this book different from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and the Konmari method?
I find that Konmari encourages perfection and taking things on too much at a time. My clients actually find that they feel worse about their clutter after attempting this method.
In addition, Step-by-Step Decluttering spends more time on the emotional aspects of clutter.
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