10 Unusual Ways to Get Motivated When Stuck

July 29, 2021

How to get motivated has been a recurring theme in our community.

If you’re struggling with motivation to work on your to-do list (as we ALL do at times), try these simple ideas to get unstuck.

10 Unusual Ways to Get Motivated When Stuck

  1. Get up and get moving. It doesn't matter what you do. Wash the dishes. Sort the junk mail. Fold the throw blankets. Do something productive.
  2. Spend 5 minutes looking at your before and after photos.
  3. Straighten a stack or a pile before you try to declutter or organize it.
  4. Plan a reward for when you're done. Rewards are an excellent source of motivation.
  5. Put a task that you want to accomplish on your calendar (and then honor your commitment when the time comes).
  6. Attend a Decluttering Miracle Call (if you’re an Organize My Home Complete member).
  7. Pick one little hotspot to tidy up and organize. Take before and after photos for motivation.
  8. Imagine yourself doing the thing you need to do. Walk yourself through the steps you'll take. Make it realistic. Imagine what you'll see, what you'll touch, etc. Then get up and follow your vision.
  9. Tell your organizing buddy what you're going to do. Ask her to follow up with you later in the day (this will light a fire!).
  10. Spend 5 minutes outside just breathing in fresh air. Then come back inside and tackle the easiest task you see. It's a great way to get some momentum after a break to go further.

About the author 

Sarah Mueller

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